Moon Phases For Hair Styles January 2008

For those who want to take hair care to the next level with the moon phases, here are the dates for January. My interest in this topic peaked lately because I went to the same salon twice and got two very different results for the identical styling. The first cut was perfect and after the second one I was stunned at how badly it turned out. And I get a simple, straight cut.

While a variety of factors may contribute to a disappointing hair appointment, I decided to quest for the astrological solution. After scouring the available sources for tips on hair care with the lunar cycle, my next choices for a straight cut in January are 11th, 16th, 19th and 23rd. Find dates for your particular issues at the end of this short article. During my research, I found plenty of agreement between astrologers for hair treatments, and one conflicting area.

Astrologers mainly agree, along with the Farmer's Almanac, on the basic premise to promote hair growth by cutting during the waxing moon and discourage growth by cutting during the waning moon. This information is sourced back through the folklore of the lunar rhythm that may have its roots in gardening practices.

The idea of increase has a good base with the waxing moon when the light of the moon grows larger and brighter to the Full Moon. While we appear to repeat this simple notion as symbolism, when you add the consideration of the properties of gravity, it puts the whole concept of the lunar rhythm on a firmer footing.

Gravity, called the greatest force in the universe by Albert Einstein, holds all matter in space including planets, stars, solar systems and tiny particles of dust and gases. Gravity is the force that governs the motion of the planets, including the moon. It also includes the relationship between the sun, moon and earth that we see as a movement of light each month on the face of the moon. As the light of the moon waxes each cycle - grows brighter - gravity increases to maximum pressure at the Full Moon.

Likewise, the decrease of gravitational force during the waning moon reaches the least amount of pressure at the New Moon.

Nonsense and pseudo-science, you say? Those on the committee for the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics did not think so when they nominated Robert Taylor in March, 2000. His peer-reviewed study was published in the Harvard Business Review about his finding that "The Moon Affects the Stock Market," based on predictions of gravitational fluctuations. An outside research team concurred that the "15 days around the New Moon dates are about double the returns in the 15 days around Full Moon dates."

Now: back to hair care. There is plenty of agreement among astrologers about encouraging thicker hair growth by cutting it when the moon is in Leo. As you might be wondering yourself, I asked myself the question, "Well, why is that, anyway?" Is it because Leo is represented as the lion with the long mane, or what?

In gardening, the Leo moon is considered the least fertile of all the astrological signs. One might suppose that hair will spend its time becoming thicker, then, instead of growing longer (fertile). Leo is called a fixed sign because it occurs in the middle of the summer season. Leo is associated with strength, but also inflexibility. So, we have the motion of the stars, moon, planets and earth in the agreement to have this particular level of gravity, tendency, quality, or other descriptive term that appeals to you. As the ultimate "fire" sign, the rule about thickness is reinforced by the advice to get a permanent during the Leo moon if you actually want a frizzy hair style.

Hair coloring and permanents are also generally accepted by current astrological information to be completed when the moon is in Virgo or Aquarius for best results. Virgo is a "mutable" sign, which means it occurs during a change of season and is so linked with transition. Considering the dramatic transition that hair color and permanents offer to hair styling, this sign makes sense for the task. Gardeners reckon Virgo to be infertile like Leo, but less so, and do not spend time and energy on pursuing plant "growth" activities during this transit.

Lunar gardeners will use the time during the additional "barren" sign of Aquarius to take care of routine maintenance around the garden - again, not spending valuable work time on growing and planting. Aquarius, while a fixed sign, offers the subtle qualities of freedom and the power of awakening with its ruler Uranus. In short, change is good. Permanents and coloring certainly qualify for the aspects of change in the hair department.

So far, an examination of the concepts behind the astrological signs and hair care appear to make sense within the established belief system. The conflict surfaced about the signs of Pisces and Cancer. Where a few astrologers affirm that these moon signs are best for cutting to encourage the growth of long hair, Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe in their book called Moon Time declare specifically to avoid all hair treatments during these signs. I pay attention to this source because of the quality of the overall information they present on other topics.

Hair is a natural match with the lunar rhythm with cyclic growth and change. Consider testing the astrological approach to choosing a date for hair care to see if it is right for you.

Moon Phase and Sign Dates for January 2008 Hair Styles

Color hair: Jan 9,10

Color roots for slow re-growth: Jan 25-Feb 3

Cut hair - avoid it on Jan 20

Cut hair to grow faster: Jan 8-14

Cut hair to grow slower: Jan 1, 4, 5, 14, 22, 23, 27, 28; Jan 25-Feb 3

Cut hair to grow thicker: Jan 16, 22, 23

Cut hair to keep the style longest: Jan 25

Cut hair to keep vital energy: Jan 11, morning; Jan 19

Permanent wave: Jan 9, 10, 25

Permanent wave you want to be frizzy: Jan 22, 23

Jan 8-14: cut hair to grow quickly

Jan 1: cut hair to slow growth

Jan 4, 5: cut hair to slow growth

Jan 9, 10: color hair or permanent

Jan 11: best day to cut hair to keep vital energy - morning

Jan 14: cut hair to slow growth

Jan 16: cut hair to grow thicker

Jan 19: best day to cut hair to keep vital energy

Jan 20: avoid cutting hair (it's a Sunday)

Jan 22: cut hair to grow thicker

Jan 22, 23: cut hair to slow growth

Jan 22, 23: have a permanent you want to turn out frizzy

Jan 23: cut hair to grow hair bushier

Jan 25: have a permanent wave; cut and style to last the longest

Jan 25-Feb 3: cut hair to grow slowly

Jan 25-Feb 3: color roots for slow re-growth

Jan 27: cut hair to slow growth

Jan 28: cut hair to slow growth

(c) 2007 Laraine Mesavage

Talk to Laraine Mesavage and you will quickly discover her passion for living daily with the moon phases. Laraine offers information about the moon phases for busy people to use in a practical way, and writes weekly to relate the latest news and views about the moon cycle. Visit her at

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